This time of year is about sparkling lights, fragrant wreaths, candles, shiny things, and beautiful colors. We decorate inside and out, and show the world we welcome the season of giving.
This will be my first Christmas without my Mom. I am steadfast in making it a spectacular celebration. We don't have any regular traditions, it was just a time for family. And so it will be this year as well. We have little ones in this family, and making them feel the excitement and fun that Christmas time can be, is most important.
So what about you? This time of year we have lots of get togethers, office parties, outings, and celebrations to look and feel our best at. The stress that all the preparations this holiday brings often leave our needs in the dust. Make sure you are making time for you. Be dilligent in allowing time to not only get your hair done, nails, pedicure, facial or reiki, but to rest, relax, and relish in all this season can be. Schedule some time for yourself. Let's laugh, catch up, and have a great venting session on your next visit in!
Make it a tradition to take care of you.
